Friday, August 18, 2006

28th Yomiuri International Cartoon Contest

Contest Name
28th Yomiuri International Cartoon Contest


The world is full of troubling issues, from the great, such as environmental
crises, to the small, such as bothersome neighbors. But sometimes people
take pleasure in others' problems, though we cannot talk about it too loudly.
Surely everybody has found humorous what may be to another person something
very serious.

* Submissions will not be returned.
* Each cartoon, including its backing, should be no larger than A3 size
(297 millimeters by 420 millimeters).
* Entrants may use any layout, style and drawing materials.
* Plagiarized cartoons and cartoons previously published in other media
or that bear a close resemblance to such material will not be accepted.
* The maximum number of entries is three per participant. If entrants submit
more than three cartoons, only three will be judged.
* Cartoons produced by more than one person will not be accepted.
* The Grand Prize-winning cartoon and other selected works will be displayed
in the Yomiuri International Cartoon Contest Exhibition, to be held at several
locations in Japan and overseas. The Yomiuri Shimbun reserves the right to:
* Reproduce the cartoons in newspapers, magazines and electronic publications
of The Yomiuri Shimbun.
* Exhibit the cartoons at the Yomiuri International Cartoon Contest Exhibition and
the Kawasaki City Museum.
* Reproduce the cartoons in catalogues, posters and other materials for the promotion
of the Yomiuri International Cartoon Contest in Japanese and other languages.
* Permit third parties to reproduce the cartoons for the promotion of the Yomiuri International
Cartoon Contest and to publish the cartoons in their publication.

Sept 22, 06

Details> Yomiuri International Cartoon Contest

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